That was a rainy day in the morning when i was on the way to school..
but it cleared soon..
we get to the bus when all the participant arrive in time.
the journey was started...
in the bus

see the chuckie

me and jacelyn

me and fei cui

pc sleeping pose

enjoy gambling
yi lin..chuckie..ting ting

it's batu! i capture it on the way to our destination
--we reached gua tempurung around 12 pm--

the view outside gua tempurung
The expedition through the gua was fraught with difficulties and danger..
we have to waded through the water and groped amid the darkness..
we just able to discern the road from the dark with torch light..
the water is cold when we are inside it..we all get soaked but it's nice and cool..
we got cold feet when let know that we have to slide down on a slant stone..
some girls nervous..some cry..
thx for those gentlemen who help us alot and take care of us..
it's really tiresome when we have to walk the staircase up and down..it's around 300 more steps.
but finally we win through all the challenge..!
camel..fish..yi lin and me looked around the cave and take lots photo after shower..
..camel and me..

camel..fish..yi lin..me

..us again..
what r they doing?

playing with butterfly..haha


..abour with ceiling of leaves..
our next destination was ipoh jusco..
we reached around 4pm..
we were given 2 hours to take our lunch..
we decided to go food court..everyone order their food and enjoyed it.

..children seat..
after that we went for windows shopping..
all guys are making alot of fun and jokes..
the most funny is kui kui..haha.
he go into a bra shop and ask the aunty wanna hire promoter anot..
the aunty was puzzled by him..
then hannah sit into a trolley and alex trundled her..
..so cute..
around 6pm we all get back to the bus and going back to school..
some ppl was slept coz already tired of the day..
but i chat alot with alex from ipoh until penang..
we chat about his family..my family..my story in the past..his experience in the past..
he comment some..i comment some..
time goes faster..we reached mbs at 9pm sharp.
Our journey ended without mishap.
some of them went for dinner..some waiting for parents to fetch them..
zheng yin fetch alex,fei cui,camel and me back..
i was too hungry and ask zheng yin to drive through mcd to buy burger for me after drop alex and fei cui..it's my dinner..
before i sleep,i recall all the things happened today..
i will remember the moment when we are inside the cave and make through with difficulties..
it's a special experience besides study or hang out to mall together with u all..
thx for giving me such a memorable day and i wont forget it.