I'm here again..wakaka
same reason as monique..
having IT class now and this lesson is talk about blogger..
so i'm free to update my blog..^^
recently busy planning for add drop subject for the next sem..
just realize that my course is going tough..i cant waste my time anymore..!
but i'm thinking of continue piano course at jitra every saturday..
I wonder if i can manage my time properly..=.=
by the way, final exam is coming..
too many chapter for me to cover..
I got abit lost..
may god bless me and good luck to all my friends..!^^
04 October 2010
Posted by |Qinz| at 10:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: =Recollection=
15 September 2010
now is my mid sem break but it will be ended soon!
i dont know what i've done in this holiday..==''
no textbook...but only facebook!!
next week exam exam exam!!!
going to die soon......
my life is good in uum..
knew a lot of friends..
and i have learned a lesson that changed my view of something.
i forgive, but i wont forget!
just get well and move on..i can do that..
I promise..!
Posted by |Qinz| at 10:25 PM 0 comments
Labels: =Holiday=
14 August 2010
Posted by |Qinz| at 8:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: =Recollection=
24 June 2010
当我看到结果的那一刻, 真的快要疯掉了!
当朋友们都在雀跃万分时, 我只能掩饰自己的失落..
Posted by |Qinz| at 3:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: =Recollection=
30 May 2010
I cant get usm..the outcome is a foregone conclusion.haha
Outing with pui yarn tonight..excited..
Such a long time no see and she becomes so pretty!
We had a dinner in mizi bistro and chit chat for everything..
Hope to hang out with her again!!
When i back to home my sis bring me a news, that is my dad bought a new car!
I doubt am I a member of this family?
Never discuss with me and so sudden!
Actually, I prefer move house..fed up with the lift breakdown. =.=
Anyway, congratulation to u as long as u still can affort brother's school fees, and mine too soon.
Posted by |Qinz| at 1:10 AM 0 comments
Labels: =Recollection=
17 May 2010
3 of them get suck into water pump..
1 of them 死无全尸..just left head and bone only..
I felt sort of queasy and disgusting!!
After that, me n my colleague clear off the corpse very cautiously and then mourn for them.
Hope they rest in peace!
Posted by |Qinz| at 8:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: =Recollection=
08 April 2010
不久前看了 '下一站幸福' ..真的超好看!!
我从第一集感动到大结局, 真的已经很久没看过那么超水准的戏了.

Posted by |Qinz| at 11:37 AM 0 comments
Labels: =Recollection=
29 March 2010
Posted by |Qinz| at 8:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: =Recollection=
28 March 2010
My car was hit by a malay!!!
It's troublesome!!
Posted by |Qinz| at 6:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: =Recollection=
16 March 2010
--6K gathering--
..all of us changed alot..
..me n Justin..
..me n Chun Hong..
..Aik tatt n me..
..handsome right..?
..Lay yi n me..
..so nice..
*we are not couple, it's just a game*
..Kai sheng n Juey fang..
..Li ching n Qiu yee..
..took by me..haha..
..Jin boon n Kai xiang..
..Guo Xian..
..Chun hong n Jiunn Jye..
..Guan Quan n Wei kit..
..20th years old..
..12th years old..
I have a deep feelings when i see all of us got a big changes, feel that time really went quickly.
I miss the days in standard 6, those innocent time are the great time that i ever have.
I love you guys ^^
Posted by |Qinz| at 9:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: =Recollection=
27 February 2010
Finally i get my stpm result with no suprise and no disappointed.
Am i too steady? haha..
---My result---
Pengajian am: A-
Ekonomi: A-
Pengajian perniagaan: B+
Perakaunan: B-
I'm satisfied with it!
Congratulation to ping ping who got 4 flat, proud of you!
Now im confusing about all the things to apply U, it's troublesome.
There is still an off chance that get accounting, and my 2nd choice is may be finance and banking.
I wish to go UMS..but mostly will get UUM..
Hope all my friends will get their ideal course and University ..^^
Posted by |Qinz| at 6:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: =Recollection=
24 February 2010
Everyone is nervous of their stpm result now, but im not.
Come on girls, we have much experience before when taking UPSR,PMR and SPM result!
Just take it easy!
Moreover, your mood cant affect your result, so just think positive!
Posted by |Qinz| at 6:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: =Recollection=
18 February 2010
小时候是一起玩耍,现在长大了,都会三个人关在房间聊天,偶尔出去看戏唱K ,我们都不吵架,这种感觉还满好的。
Posted by |Qinz| at 10:16 PM 0 comments
Labels: =Recollection=
10 February 2010
I've been to KL last friday due to my brother wanted to buy his textbook which did'nt sell in Penang.
We started at 11am and take lunch in Ipoh, it was a long journey but we eventually arrived at 5pm.
We lodging at Hotel Istana which is located in the city centre.
I enjoy the international buffet..i eat all the sashimi..haha
KL live is bustling with noise and exitement, many ppl walk along the road and monorail shuttle to and fro above my head.
I went for shopping at pavillion, sunway pyramid, midvalley megamall and the garden within 2 days.
Actually the outlet inside is almost the same compared with shopping mall in Penang but the stream of people there is more crowded.
Pavillion is special to me because it's luxury and the goods is very expensive that cant found in Penang.
I enjoyed my trip much!
..in bath room..
..inside pavillion..
..my mum..
Some thing occured to me when i on the way back to penang, that is i forgotten to meet up with Mr. Roger! So sorry..
Chinese new year is coming..my plan is still stick with my family everyday..family is the most important!!
My brother will go back to perth on next thursday and he wont come back until he graduate after one and a half years.
Wish him all the best and maintain to be a top student!
Posted by |Qinz| at 6:50 PM 0 comments
18 January 2010
昨天晚上得知钟灵生划龙舟翻覆事件造成二死四失踪的惨剧, 我的心中感慨万分.
今天早上抵达办公室楼下时, 看见一群警察正在执行任务, 很多公从人士聚集在港口的入口处, 一部分应该是落难者家属吧, 只见他们失魂落魄, 双眼红肿.
警车, 救护车, 消防车不停的进进出出, 现场一片混乱.
好不容易找到了停车位, 眼看就快迟到了, 我赶紧快步走向电梯处.
一群三姑六婆在电梯内议论纷纷, 不相识的人也一同加入话题, 看来这起事件让所有人都感到惋惜.
从五楼望下去, 除了停泊在港口和一些正在行驶的船只, 几只拯救船队在海上进行搜寻任务, 直升机也在天空上不停环绕.
茫茫大海, 他们就在海底下的某个角落.
我一整天都无法专心工作, 不时听见直升机飞过的声音, 不时又听见救护车的警报声, 心想不知是否又寻获尸体了.
这项报导占据了报纸大部分版面, 图片中都是死者家属的悲痛的画面.
养育了十七年的儿子遭受如此悲惨的死亡, 母亲的悲痛相信没人能够理解.
所谓意外, 就是在人们无法预料的情况下发生的, 怪不了任何人.
唯一令人感到安慰的是, 其余十二名学生都平安无事.
但这起事件难免会在他们心里留下阴影, 惊魂未定且需面对同伴的离去, 痛彻心扉!
我突然觉得, 活着就是一种幸福.
人生无常, 死亡来得太快, 太让人措手不及了, 也许一切冥冥中自有注定.
世界上有那么多人, 每个人都要面对死亡, 只是迟早的问题而已.
以后, 在每晚临睡前我会感谢上天又让我平安的度过了一天.
每天早上, 我也会感谢上天赐给我美好和全新的一天.
如果说活着就是福气, 那我们每天都在为了什么琐事而烦恼?
学会感恩, 才会更珍惜生命.
Posted by |Qinz| at 8:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: =感触=